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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Guys, life is exausting. It seems as much as I want to get on here and as much as it uplifts me, life just gets in the way. I hate it. Satan's definitely been around. I know things could be a lot worse than they are and my problems are very minute, but goodness life just seems chaotic right now. Deadlines, full time practicum, teaching youth is just all wearing me out. I need a break. Not from church or teaching the youth, which I love, but goodness it's just one thing after the other lately.

God has definitely been giving me a very good lesson to learn about gossiping. Ladies, it is not a good thing. The way I've seen it used these past few weeks make it seem like an addiction, which partly is true. I've seen people use it and be demeaning or just out of pure fun. Not to say that I'm perfect in this category, but it is not right to talk about a student and their actions or lack of intelligence in front of them. That is just wrong. Let me get off my soapbox.

It's easy sometimes when life gets in the way to overlook the blessings God has given you. My cousin that broke her ankle went back to the doctor today. He said the surgery and healign has gone GREAT and much better than expected. The bone is still alive, which is a miracle! SHe sent me picture messages on my phone of pics of her foot, and y'all, you can't even tell the difference between her foot and leg. It's that swollen. Please contine to keep her in yor prayers because she is still in a lot of pain.

How are you doing? :)


Saturday, November 1, 2008

To Do or..Wait to Do

Hi guys. It's been a busy, long , hectic week. I could go on with the adjectives on this one. I won't bore you however.

First off, I have a big prayer request. My cousin, 17 years old, had broke her ankle. Now, this might not seem big, but she's a gymnast. And not just a gymnast, but one who is currently the level 10 National YMCA gymnast. So yes, it is a big deal, especially when her doctor told her she might not be able to do gymnastics again. Please keep her in your prayers. She truly loves the Lord, so pray that this doesn't hinder her walk with Him.

Ok, on to my decision I have to make. As you know, I will be graduating in May (*woopwoop!*). By the way, I just got my student teaching placement. 1st grade. I'm sooo happy. Anywho, I am not sure where the Lord is really leading me. I know I want to start off teaching. That is a definite. It's just, I don't know what to do afterwards. Does God want me to do this for the rest of my life? I haven't received a clear answer on this yet. Something I've been looking in to is a Masters in Religion with the concentration on Biblical studies from Liberty University. Y'all, I am so stinkin' excited about the prospect of actually getting a Bible degree. I would love to jump right in after I graduate with my bachelors. However, I know the practical thing to do is to go ahead and get my degree in education. I mean, if I stay in it, I do need it. But I hate the thought of more education classes. I do not like them and am not learning anything from them. Any comments on this type of thing are welcome. :)

So...I guess what I am saying is that right now I am really not sure where the Lord is leading me. I know what my heart wants, I know what my head is telling me, but I don't know the most impotant thing...where does He want and need me to be?
