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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lazy Sunday afternoon

Well, after a few weeks of non stop activity, I finally have some time to get back on here.

Right now I'm at my nana and grandaddy's house using their wireless internet. Lord bless them, they just got it and are trying to figure it out. I've found out that it's very hard to explain how to use over the phone. But they're doing great with it.

Right now I'm propped up beside a fire and it's raining outside. I just love these kinds of days. If I hadn't slept so much last night, I would definitely be taking a nap right now. But if I do, I'll never sleep tonight. I am definitely taking advantage of having tomorrow off from school. Holidays are glorious!

This past week was my first week student teaching. I absolutely love the school, teacher and class, but hate all the college work I have to do for it. Lesson plans galore that I will never use again. Let me tell you, by the time Friday rolled around, this sister was so tired she went to bed at 10:30 and slept 'til...well I won't admit that. :D More about this as the time goes on.

So excited about the second half of the month having rolled round. Which means I'm working on my second scripture. Love my choice. I'm actually breaking down the 6 verses dealing with the armor of God into 3 sections. The rest of this month is Eph. 6:13-14, next month will be 15-18. I've been real excited to learn this scripture ever since I heard a pastor talking about how his wife recites these verses each morning when she puts on her makeup. Not only is she getting herself physically dressed for the day, but also spiritually.



Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Very Special Day

Today was an ordinary day...exceptI got to spend it with my grandmama. It will definitely be a day that I will always remember and treasure. See, my dad's mom had him veeeery late in life, so she is the age of my great-grandparents on the other side. She is by far probably the most nice person I have ever met. These past few years have been hard, especially for my dad because her memory is going. Some days are better than the others.

Last time she got a perm it didn't hold so she's been scared to go back. Well, Sunday I mentioned to her that we were going to have a Girls Day and get her hair done at my hair place. We went and boy it took long, but it turned out great. I've been going over to her house every week or so and washing and pinning up her hair, so it was fun to go together and get her hair done.

Afterwards we went and ate with my dad. Did I mention I love Chinese food? Well, I do and apparently she does too. After that I went back and hung out with her at her house, which she absolutely loved because she lives there alone and gets lonely. We joked and she acted years younger than I've seen her act in awhile. She gets hung up on her age (90) and how she is one of the oldest people on the earth, which I always correct her about.

It's hard to exactly put into words how special today was to me. It just reminded me that life is short and that we all need to make the best of it. Don't take advantage of your family...they might not be here tomorrow. And love them like there's no tomorrow!!


Friday, January 2, 2009

Ringing in the New Year

Wow, can you believe 2009 is actually here? It just seems like it turned 2008. IT wasa great year, but I am totally stoked about 2009! A few days ago, I was so just nonchalant about it. Yeah, 2009, whatever, a new year. But now...SO EXCITED about it.

It all started with the question "Who wants a Jesus year?" And I realized, well, yep that's something I'm totally down with. A year with my Savior and me would be great. Not just another average year. This one has so many opportunities for me, all because I've decided to live it with my Savior in mind. Yes, this is something that a person can decide at any time of the year, but with my obsessive complulsiveness about things like this, trust me, this is a great time.

It so excites and dumbfounds me that God is thrilled about my decision. Yes, a year with Him, getting closer to Him for me is nothing less than thrilling. But for Him to be thrilled to spend time with little 'ole me? Blows my mind. This is a year I don't want to lose track of our relationship. I know He doesn't go anywhere, but trust me sometime my mind does.

I want so many things out of this year. I want to seek Him more in my decisions. I want Him to be intimately involved in every aspect of my life. I want to stop being so daggum indecisive about things and live my life fully relying on knowing that He is with me no matter what. I want others to see Him more in me. I want to memorize His Word so that it is pasted in my heart. I want to know Him intimately and have my prayer life just grow leaps and bounds. I just want Him and my relationship to be the main focus of my life this year before anything else.

Of course there are numerous other things that aren't nearly as important that I also want out of this year. Did I mention that I long to write books? Lol. As much as I love to read, and I do mean LOVE, I've always wanted to be on the other end of the rope. As for if that will actually happen, we'll see. Perhaps I'm just meant to be a reader of other's books. But I really would love to write books for God's glory.

God, please just take this year and mold me into the person that you want me to be. I'm all yours.

I hope God sends blessings to you this year, Siestas.
