First off, this isn't my first time blogging, but hopefully this will be the first one that I will stick with (because I love the name I picked out!). I love to write, yet the only reason I'm doing this is because of all the cute Siesta blogs I have been reading that encourage me SO MUCH. I hope someone will be able to use mine like I use y'alls.
Oooh! And I just realized that nobody will know my name just by reading this. My name is Sarah. :)
As for that, I have no clue who will be reading mine. I don't have anybody on here that I know already, so right now I am blogging only to myself. *grins* Any Siesta want a new Siesta buddy? I desperately need a Siesta buddy. I promise, I'm a great friend!
Since this is my first post, a little about me:
If you can't tell, I'm from Georgia. SOUTH Georgia to be exact! I'm 22 and just started my senior year of college. I'm going to be a teacher, at least for a little while. Lately I've been feeling the pull that God wants me to do something else, so my future isn't exactly planned out. I am 100% completely single and loving it right now. I know that God is giving me this time by myself so that I can have a better relationship with Him, and let me tell you, we are having a great time! Oh, and I'm short (5'1") and have no problem with it. Good things come in small packages right?!
God is my passion. Yes, I'm like everybody else and stray off from time to time, but I always try and put Him in my #1 spot. I'm the main youth leader (director? maybe) at my church (which is a small country church). Even though it is small, we have a good amount of students in the youth group (10- 14 in all). I hope that I can do my best in conveying God's love that He has for them each meeting. Other than that, I have a passion for learning about God's word. Reading it is not just what I want to do, I want to understand the culture of that period in time, the geography and anything else that will help me learn more from God's Word.
I think that will do for my first post. As I said again, I'll be a great Siesta friend! *grins again*
~ Sarah
Boxing on Sundays
This is a post for my imaginary pastor's wife friends in cyberspace. I
don't know your names or faces but I feel like I know you. And you know me.
Some day...
7 years ago
Well sarah, so that you wont be lonely, i will comment on your lovely blog since i was surfing for a fellow south georgia blogger. i myself love to read also. i don't have as much time as i used to to just know fiction, suspense that kind of stuff. now if i read it seems as if it is for a purpose, Bible reading, study, to get direction, a word from God, a class i'm taking, teaching whatever, you get the point. my husband actually LOVES to read even more than either of us i dare to say. sometimes he will be reading several books at once with 2 or 3 waiting in the wings! Glad to hear that you are passionate for the Lord and that you are directing the young in your church to do the same. its so hard in the time that we live to stay focused on being passionate for Him, not watered down. keep up the good work!!
Hi... :) I'm a new Siesta, and I found your blog through that one. It seems like we have a lot in common. I'm 23, single, 5'1 (fun size! haha), and I teach 4th grade in a small town in Alabama. Check out my blog, and maybe we can become Siesta friends... :)
- Jamey
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